June 2019 Meeting Minutes

JCARA Inc. Club Minutes

June 2019


Meeting called to order by Lloyd WB5HUP

Prayer led by Steve KB5YPJ

Pledge of Allegiance led by Lloyd WB5HUP

All Officers Present

Visitors: Denise, Danny N9DLH

Quorum Declared


Presentation: Charlie N2PKW summarized this year’s Field Day event. Larry K5LDA summarized the Deep South Amateur Radio club’s Field Day event.

April and May minutes read by Bob KB8VND. Motion to accept by Flip N5FLP. 2nd by Larry K5LDA. Motion carried.

May treasury report read by Mike KG5VXY. Motion to accept by Mike KG5KSA . 2nd by Rod KC5LCW. Motion carried.

Old Business:

  1. Repeater Committee: No Report
  2. VE Testing: No Activity. Contact Charlie N2PKW if you are interested in a licensing class or testing session.

New Business:

  1. Field Day in the Park will be held on the 19th of October at the American Legion on Old Spanish Trail in Gautier. Mile KG5VXY will look into obtaining ARRL materials to hand out at the event.
  2. Larry K5LDA invited everybody to the Deep South Amateur Radio Club’s monthly meeting on the 27th of June, at 6:00PM. The meeting will be held at the Goodwill Community Center located at 2423 Schillinger Rd. South, Mobile, AL. There will be an antenna building presentation. Everybody is also invited to the weekly lunch gatherings on Wednesdays at 11:00AM.
  3. The Deep South Amateur Radio club holds VE testing sessions the 3rd Thursday of each month. Contact NF4J for more information.
  4. Fusion repeaters and new repeater sites were discussed.

Motion to close by Flip N5FLP. 2nd by Marilyn KB5MW. Motion Carried.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Bob Vigne KB8VND

JCARA Inc. Club Secretary

Author: Alan