April 2019 Meeting Minutes

JCARA Inc. Club Minutes

April 2019


Meeting called to order by Lloyd WB5HUP

Prayer led by Chuck N9RRI

Pledge of Allegiance led by Lloyd WB5HUP

Absent Officer: All Present

Visitors: Edward AB5RS, Jimmy K5OP & Becky

Quorum Declared


No Presentation

March minutes read by Bob KB8VND. Motion to accept by Chuck N9RRI. 2nd by Lee K5CUB. Motion carried.

March treasury report read by Mike KG5VXY. Motion to accept by Lee K5CUB. 2nd by Val N9RQX. Motion carried.

Old Business:

  1. Repeater Committee: Mike KG5KSA obtained the repeater programing software, the settings on the repeater will be looked into.
  2. VE Testing: Congratulations to Sandy WD4RIS on passing her General exam.
  3. Mike KG5KSA stated the work continues on the club inventory.

New Business :

  1. The club picnic will be held on May 25 at the Vancleave Sports Complex. Setup starts around 9:00AM and lunch will be served around 12:00PM. Richard AC5RW will bring a grill. Marilyn KB5MW will bring the main meat course. Everybody is asked to bring a side dish.
  2. Lee K5CUB motioned for the club to purchase a radio worth no more than $150 to be raffled off as a door prize at the May 25 club picnic. 2nd by Marilyn KB5MW. Motion carried. Lee K5CUB will be in charge of purchasing the radio.
  3. Lloyd WB5HUP will start organizing Field Day equipment. He will post Field Day information on the club’s website and Facebook page.
  4. Motion to close the meeting by John KA4LDU. 2nd by Bradley K4DOG. Motion Carried

Respectfully Submitted by,

Bob Vigne KB8VND

JCARA Inc. Club Secretary

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Author: Alan