July 2019 Meeting Minutes

JCARA Inc. Club Minutes

July 2019


Meeting called to order by Lloyd WB5HUP

Prayer led by Jimmy K5OP

Pledge of Allegiance led by Lloyd WB5HUP

Absent officers: Steve KB5YPJ, Marilyn KB5MW

Visitors: Denise, John KJ4NJT

Quorum Declared

No Presentation


June minutes read by Bob KB8VND. Motion to accept by Chris K5MOZ. 2nd by Mike KG5KSA . Motion carried.

June treasury report read by Mike KG5VXY . Motion to accept by Rod KC5LCW . 2nd by Larry K5LDA. Motion carried.

Old Business:

  1. Repeater Committee: The Pascagoula repeater antenna was destroyed by a lightning strike.
  2. VE Testing: No Activity

New Business:

  1. Chris K5MOZ motioned to remove all JCARA club equipment from the Pascagoula repeater site. 2nd by Pat WA5DVV. Motion Carried
  2. Chris K5MOZ motioned to find a new site for the N5OS 440MHz repeater with frequency coordination. 2nd by Pat WA5DVV. Motion carried. Chris K5MOZ and Laurence K9EYZ will start looking into this.
  3. The JCARA Hamfest will be held on November 15th and 16th. Chris K5MOZ is looking for help with responding to Hamfest emails.
  4. The DSARC Hamfest will be held on Oct. 12 in Chickasaw AL.

Motion to close by Chris K5MOZ. 2nd by Pat WA5DVV. Motion Carried.


Respectfully Submitted by,

Bob Vigne KB8VND

JCARA Inc. Club Secretary

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Author: Alan