2nd annual

Mississippi is one of those fortunate states to be next to the Gulf of Mexico, and has roughly 40 miles of pristine white sandy beaches, which affords spectacular scenery. US Highway 90 hugs the coastline for those 40 miles, and makes for a beautiful ride, dotted with Hotels, Casinos, Restaurants, Mansions, Family Entertainment, and Piers along those beaches.
Every year an event takes place, in the first week of October called “Cruisin’ the Coast” (https://cruisinthecoast.com/). This annual event, attracts approximately 10,000 cars: antique cars, classic cars, hot rods, and other vehicles from all over the United States.
This On the Air event, is not affiliated in any way with that official Cruisin’ the Coast event. Jackson County Amateur Radio Association, in the Ham Radio tradition, thought it would be a great idea to offer this on the air event as a good chance for hams everywhere to have fun.
Oh, by the way, if you happen to be a Ham Operator and a Cruiser who plans to attend this October, we would be delighted to meet you in person.
We invite you to contact us while you’re here.
By email: JCARA.Club@gmail.com
Or via our VHF repeater 145.110 -600 offset, and tone code 123.0. You can call our special event callsign N5OS. We’ll have someone monitoring the repeater from 0600 through 2200 local time.
For more information about us please visit our website: https://JCMSARA.org
“We always enjoy an eye to eye QSO and we’ll buy you a cup of coffee.”
Event Details:
Event: Cruising the Coast On the Air
When: Saturday, October 12
Event Callsign: N5OS
We will have 2 or more groups out participating: We will operate between the hours 1300-2300 UTC (local time 8am-6pm CDT).
The teams will be be on 40m, 20m, 15m, and 10m. We will do a mix of SSB phone, and FT8.
FT8 operators will call CQ with: Tx6 as: CQ COTA N5OS EM50
Please see DXwatch.com for the exact frequencies and times spotted: ( https://dxwatch.com/dxsd1/dxsd1.php?f=0&c=n5os&t=dx )
Each contact made, will be logged into our database. There is no limit on the number of times that each contact can make, for the event.
Award: Each logged Call-sign will receive a special certificate via email for the On the Air event.
Please ensure that your email is correct in your QRZ record. Every effort will be made to send your certificate to you.