January 2019 Meeting Minutes

JCARA, INC Club Minutes

January 2019

Meeting called to order by President Lloyd, WB5HUP

Prayer led by Chaplain Chuck, N9RRI

Pledge of Allegiance led by Lloyd, WB5HUP

Absent Officer: Marilyn Warner, AF5DP

Visitors: Lisa Clark & Chris Bartz, KI5CGG

Quorum Declared

Bob, KB8VND Presented “How to use digipeaters on the ISS and NO-84”.

The November 2018 secretarial report by Valerie, N9RQX was read by Bob, KB8VND. Motion to accept by Mike, KG5KSA. 2nd by Flip, N5FLP. Motion Carried

The December 2018 secretarial report by Valerie, N9RQX was read by Bob, KB8VND. Motion to accept by Chuck, N9RRI. 2nd by Valerie, N9RQX. Motion Carried.

Treasury Report to cover the months of November and December 2018 were prepared by Lee, K5CUB and were read by Mike, KG5VXY .

1. Hamfest seed money was covered

2.Rodkey, KC5LCW was reimbursed for the clubs post office box renewal.

3. Hamfest made a profit.

Motion to accept by Flip, N5FLP. 2nd by Rodkey, KC5LCW. Motion Carried

Old Business

1. Repeater Committee:

a. Nick K5BQJ is resigning as Repeater Trustee. His resignation letter has been handed in. Thank you for your 10 years of service!

b. Mike KG5KSA, has volunteered to take on the position of Repeater Trustee.

c. Nick K5BQJ, had a few closing comments about the clubs repeaters.

1. Working equipment has been stored at the repeater site. There is some duplication of equipment. If something breaks it should be easy to replace.

2. We Should start thinking about shielding and protection for possible EMPs or other situations, and have things ready for quick replacement. Any ideas should be sent to Mike, KG5KSA.

3. Nick, K5BQJ and Rod, KC5LCW have put caps on conduit openings to keep the wasps out. A letter was sent to notify Mississippi Power of the improvements. No response was received but further improvements were made by Mississippi Power.

4. Help Mike, KG5KSA out with the repeater responsibilities whenever possible.

d. Lee K5CUB, asked if the Vancleave repeater’s audio could be increased. Lloyd, WB5HUP stated the input and output levels should be checked before any changes are made.

e. Chris K5MOZ, Motioned to make Mike, KG5KSA the JCARA “license custodian” of N5OS and W5WA. 2nd by Val, N9RQX. Motioned carried.

2. No VE Activity

3. Next meeting is on the 26th of February

4.Lloyd, WB5HUP and Chris, K5MOZ stood before the board of supervisors to request the use of facilities for club meetings and Field Day. JCARA was granted a 4 year lease on the use of the St. Martin Community Center for club meetings and the St. Martin area Safe House for Field Day use. There will be no charge for this other than our communication services. There will be a charge to use the facilities for the hamfest because it is a money making event. Official letters have been received.

5. Val, N9RQX asked about the bank transfer to the new officers. All paperwork to transfer the new officers to the club bank accounts have been completed.

New Business:

1. Lloyd, WB5HUP would like to apologize for the slow turnaround time with communications, He’s been taking care of his family.

2. Lloyd, WB5HUP Brought up the fact that there were many complaints about the hamfest and we should start thinking about adding something to the hamfest such as a seminar. Attendees were unhappy about the open tables. Members of the club brought up points to explain the absence such as multiple hamfests on the same day and vendors with health issues. Lee, K5CUB brought up the idea of a forming a hamfest committee. Anyone interested in working on the hamfest committee should contact Chris, K5MOZ.

3. Mike, KG5KSA mentioned the solar company at Edgewater mall is selling a portable solar power system. It’s something to check out.

4.The 2018 budget can’t be found. It’s thought the 2017 budget was used for 2018. The board needs to update the budget. The trailer repairs should be considered when writing this year’s budget.

5.Bill, K5YG relayed a message from Charlie Hardt, N2PKW. He wanted to say hello and couldn’t make the meeting because he was teaching a class. He is doing well.

6. Bill, K5YG is going on a trip to Ecuador from Feb 18-24. He will be operating on many bands and modes. Mainly CW on 160-40, in the morning and night according to east coast time. Contact Bill K5YG if you would like a schedule.

Motion to close by Chuck, N9RRI. 2nd by Chris, K5MOZ. Motion Carried. Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted by

Bob Vigne, KB8VND

JCARA, Inc. Club Secretary

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Author: Staff Member