February 2019 Meeting Minutes

JCARA, INC Club Minutes

February 2019


Meeting called to order by Lloyd, WB5HUP

Pledge of Allegiance led by Lloyd, WB5HUP

Prayer led by Ken, KF5KDH

Absent Officer: Mike, KG5VXY

Visitors: Lisa & Chris, KI5CGG

Quorum Declared

No Presentation

January Minutes read by Bob, KB8VND. Motion to accept by Laurence, K9EYZ. 2nd by Richard, AC5RW. Motion carried

No Treasury report

Old Business:

  1. Repeater Committee: Mike, KG5KSA reported there were no issues with the repeater this month. He’s looking into bringing cable to the repeater site.
  2. VE Testing: Marilyn, KB5MW stated a testing session was held and one Extra passed. We need more VE’s.

New Business :

  1. Lee, K5CUB brought up partnering with K5TAL in hosting “Field Day In The Park”. Motion to accept by Richard, AC5RW. 2nd by Ken, KF5KDH. Motion carried.
  2. Bob, KB8VND stated that currently the club does not have a way to save the minutes digitally. We are saving a paper copy and posting them on the club’s website.
  3. Bob, KB8VND talked about using the club repeater for SSTV and a possible social net.
  4. Mike, KG5KSA is making an inventory list of items in the club’s storage facility.
  5. Lloyd, WB5HUP looked into the cost of repairing the club’s trailer.
  6. Lloyd, WB5HUP went over the 2019 budget. Motion to accept by Richard, AC5RW. 2nd by Nick, K5BQJ. Motion Carried.

Motion to close the meeting by Richard, AC5RW. 2nd by John, KI5CMZ. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted by

Bob Vigne, KB8VND

JCARA, Inc. Club Secretary

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Author: Alan