November 2019 Meeting Minutes

JCARA Inc. Club Minutes

November 2019


Meeting called to order by Lloyd WB5HUP

Prayer led by Steve KB5YPJ

Pledge of Allegiance led by Lloyd WB5HUP

All Officers Present

Visitors: Denise

Quorum Declared

No Presentation


November minutes read by Bob KB8VND. Motion to accept by Chris K5MOZ. 2nd by Patrick WA5DVV. Motion carried.

November treasury report read by Mike KG5VXY. Motion to accept by Flip N5FLP. 2nd by Chris K5MOZ. Motion carried.

Old Business:

  1. Repeater Committee: Audio testing continues on the W5WA repeater. The UHF repeater was retrieved from Ingalls. Mike KG5KSA will store the UHF repeater. Mike KG5KSA will become the UHF repeater custodian when it’s put on the air. Pat WA5DVV is putting an instruction manual together for the UHF repeater.
  2. VE Testing: A Technician passed both the General and Extra exams in succession.
  3. The Christmas party will be held on December 3rd at 6:00pm.
  4. Field Day: JCARA placed #1 within all 2F class stations operating in Mississippi. JCARA placed #2 within all Foxtrot class stations operating in Mississippi.
  5. Hamfest: The 2019 Hamfest was a success. Thanks to everybody who helped out.

New Business:

  1. A new net control is needed for the Wednesday night ARES net.
  2. John KJ4NJT motioned to open nominations for Secretary. 2nd by Laurence K9EYZ. Motion Carried. Mike KG5VXY nominated Robert KM4EWZ for Secretary. Chris K5MOZ motioned to close nominations for Secretary. 2nd by Charlie N2PKW. Motion carried.
  3. Chris K5MOZ motioned to dissolve the club due to lack of interest. There was no 2nd for this motion.
  4. Chris K5MOZ motioned to open nominations for Treasurer. 2nd by John KJ4NJT. Motion carried. Richard AC5RW nominated Mike KG5VXY for Treasurer. Chris K5MOZ motioned to close nominations for Treasurer. 2nd by Charlie N2PKW. Motion Carried.
  5. Chris K5MOZ motioned to open nominations for Vise President. 2nd by Laurence K9EYZ. Motion Carried. Lloyd WB5HUP nominated John KJ4NJT for Vice President. Laurence K9EYZ motioned to close nominations for Vise President. 2nd by Charlie N2PKW. Motion carried
  6. Laurence K9EYZ motioned to open nominations for President. 2nd by Marilyn KB5MW. Motion Carried. Patrick WA5DVV nominated Chris K5MOZ for President. Richard AC5RW nominated Charlie N2PKW for President. Mike KG5KSA motioned to close nominations for President. 2nd by Patrick WA5DVV. Motion carried.
  7. A paper ballot vote was held for the office of President between Chris K5MOZ and Charlie N2PKW . Charlie N2PKW won the vote for President.
  8. The offices of Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary were filled by acclimation.
  9. The 2020 JCARA officers;

President, Charlie N2PKW

Vice President, John KJ4NJT

Treasurer, Mike KG5VXY

Secretary, Robert KM4EWZ

Motion to close by Flip N5FLP. 2nd by Mike KG5KSA. Motion Carried.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Bob Vigne KB8VND

JCARA Inc. Club Secretary

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Author: Alan