September 2019 Meeting Minutes

JCARA Inc. Club Minutes

September 2019


Meeting called to order by Bob KB8VND

Prayer led by Chuck N9RRI

Pledge of Allegiance led by Bob KB8VND

Absent Officers: Lloyd WB5HUP, Steve KB5YPJ, Marilyn KB5MW

Visitors: John KJ4NJT, Denise

Quorum Declared

Presentation: Charlie N2PKW demonstrated how to set up a DMR station.

Announcement:  The DSARC will be holding its hamfest on October 12th in Chickasaw, AL.


August minutes read by Bob KB8VND. Motion to accept by Mike KG5VXY . 2nd by Mike KG5KSA. Motion carried.

August treasury report read by Mike KG5VXY . Motion to accept by Chris K5MOZ. 2nd by Lee K5CUB. Motion carried.

Old Business:

  1. Repeater Committee: Work has begun on testing the W5WA repeater audio settings.
  2. VE Testing: There is a testing session on September 25th at 6:30PM.
  3. Hamfest: 30 tables have been sold. Larry K5LDA will pass out flyers at some of the DSARC events.
  4. Field Day in the Park: Will be held on October 19th. Tables will be available for $5. There will be a raffle and a door prize.

New Business:

  1. The Christmas party will be held at the Country Gentleman on December 3rd at 6:00PM.
  2. A Scholarship committee was formed consisting of Charlie N2PKW, Mike KG5VXY, and Chris K5MOZ. Work will start on creating criteria for the JCARA’s Scholarship. We will be using the MGCCC Foundation & Alumni Scholarship program to help determine who will receive the scholarship.

Motion to close by Mike KG5VXY. 2nd by Chris K5MOZ. Motion Carried.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Bob Vigne KB8VND

JCARA Inc. Club Secretary

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Author: Alan