JCARA 2022 Winter Field Day

Up Next – 2022 Club Activities

Happy New Year, it’s 2022!  First, congratulations to Joe, W5DDX (left) and John, KJ4NJT, (not pictured due to prior commitment) recognized by outgoing club president Charles Hardt III, N2PKW, (right) at the 2021 Christmas Party as JCARA Ham(s) of the year.

See the Christmas Party article in the  Recent News Events in the right sidebar of this page for more about the Ham of the year awards.  Additional award pictures may be posted when available.



And congratulations to JCARA member Laurence, K9EYZ (left) on his appointment to the ARRL Field Organization, Amateur Radio Emergency Services (A.R.E.S.) Emergency Coordinator (E.C.) for Jackson County, Mississippi. Laurence was introduced at a recent A.R.E.S. meeting by General, KD4VVZ, (right) the District Emergency Coordinator for the Mississippi Gulf Coast District.


We take this time to thank the outgoing club officers for their tireless work and support over the past few years.  There are no shortcuts when managing an organization through the perils of a worldwide pandemic.

The first activity for 2022 is the monthly business meeting [Jan 25th.] at the usual time and location in St. Martin, as detailed in the NEXT MEETING right sidebar panel on this page.  Please come support your club, the new officers, and numerous planned events.  BTW it is time to pay club dues for the new year.

The business meeting is just prior to Winter Field Day January 28th – 31st.


All are welcome to attend and participate in the Jackson County Amateur Radio Association’s Winter Field Day 2022 event at Jeff’s [KI5JJP] QTH property (see the flyer link below for more detailed location information) .

To reserve a spot for your camper or motor home please RSVP by referring to the attached flyer.

For tent campers there is plenty of room.  Please RSVP according to the flyer instructions so we know how many are attending the camp out.

Link to the Winter Field Day Flyer JCARA Winter Field Day Flyer

Posted in News   

Author: Alan