2nd Annual Mississippi State Parks
On The Air
Note: this is not an official POTA event.
• To promote public awareness of Amateur radio and Mississippi’s State Parks On The Air (MSPOTA).
• To promote a spirit of friendship and goodwill within the ranks of Mississippi Amateur Radio Operators and Amateur Radio clubs.
• To encourage contact with other Amateur Radio Operators around the state, country, and world.
• To provide additional field operating experience for Mississippi’s Amateur Radio Operators.
Statewide MS POTA event date: April 12, 2025: 1300 UTC to 2259 UTC (8 am – 5:59 pm CDT local time). Alternate date will be on April 26, 2025, same times.
Modes and Bands
Modes of Operation: SSB, CW and FT8/4 or any other legal mode.
Amateur Radio Bands: Any Ham Radio band that is legal in POTA can be used. Also, 2m and 70cm – VHF/UHF Simplex is acceptable.
Stations may be worked once on each band, mode, and by activator.
To receive a certificate by email, your email must be correct in the QRZ database. Please read the document below for further details.
All details are in this PDF document: