MSPOTA (Mississippi Parks On The Air)

2nd Annual Mississippi State Parks

On The Air

Note: this is not an official POTA event.


• To promote public awareness of Amateur radio and Mississippi’s State Parks On The Air (MSPOTA).
• To promote a spirit of friendship and goodwill within the ranks of Mississippi Amateur Radio Operators and Amateur Radio clubs.
• To encourage contact with other Amateur Radio Operators around the state, country, and world.
• To provide additional field operating experience for Mississippi’s Amateur Radio Operators.

While any existing POTA entity can be activated for this event, emphasis will be given to any State Park run by the state Wildlife and Fisheries. There may be some of you that would not be able to activate if you had to travel to a state park, so we will not penalize you for that. But if you can, please make the effort to go to a state park.
If you do plan to do a state park, email your reservation of one or more of the parks in the below list that you plan to activate to with the number of the parks, and your callsign.


POTA Number

Park Name

Activator Reservation

US-2532 Buccaneer State Park WG5GK, AE5MU
US-2533 Clarkco State Park
US-2534 Florewood State Park
US-2535 George P Cossar State Park
US-2536 Golden Memorial State Park WB5SKM
US-2537 Great River Road State Park
US-2538 Holmes County State Park
US-2539 Hugh White State Park AD5IT, W5BAM
US-2540 John W. Kyle State Park K5NDA
US-2541 J P Coleman State Park
US-2542 Lake Lincoln State Park
US-2543 Lake Lowndes State Park
US-2544 Lefleur’s Bluff State Park
US-2545 Legion State Park
US-2546 Leroy Percy State Park
US-2547 Natchez State Park
US-2548 Paul B. Johnson State Park
US-2549 Percy E Quin State Park
US-2550 Roosevelt State Park N5KAH
US-2551 Shepard State Park AG5WY (Jim Price), WF5W
US-2552 Tishomingo State Park
US-2553 Tombigbee State Park
US-2554 Trace State Park
US-2555 Wall Doxey State Park KD5PIT
US-9847 Clark Creek Natural Area State Park



Statewide MS POTA event date: April 12, 2025: 1300 UTC to 2259 UTC (8 am – 5:59 pm CDT local time). Alternate date will be on April 26, 2025, same times.

Modes and Bands

Modes of Operation: SSB, CW and FT8/4 or any other legal mode.

Amateur Radio Bands: Any Ham Radio band that is legal in POTA can be used. Also, 2m and 70cm – VHF/UHF Simplex is acceptable.

Stations may be worked once on each band, mode, and by activator.


To receive a certificate by email, your email must be correct in the QRZ database. Please read the document below for further details.


All details are in this PDF document:
